Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

  1. Do startups need to be both digital and deep tech to apply?
    No, being either digital or deep tech is sufficient.
  2. How old should a company be to be considered a startup?
    The company must be less than ten years old to be eligible for the programme.
  3. Do you accept healthtech companies?
    Healthtech companies are welcome, especially those whose solutions support climate-neutrality, digital and circular economy, clean industry, and user-centric technology development. The technology should enhance hospital workflows, patient care, or access to new treatment modalities.
  4. Which countries are eligible to apply for the Ready2Scale Acceleration Program?
    The EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories or OCTs) and or an eligible non-EU country, including Associated Countries (Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, Georgia, Iceland, Israel, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Türkiye, Tunisia, Ukraine)
  5. Are Swiss companies eligible to apply?
    Unfortunately, Swiss companies are not eligible for funding through this programme, but they can participate in our events and training sessions.
  6. Are UK-based startups eligible to apply?
    Unfortunately, UK-based companies are not eligible for funding through this programme, but they can participate in our events and training sessions.
  7.  Is a VAT number required for the application?
    Companies must be registered within the EU to apply; however, having a VAT number is not mandatory. In the second stage of the evaluation, companies must provide a business registration number, which is mandatory.
  8. Can I edit my application before the deadline?
    The application cannot be reopened once submitted. To add additional information, you may send it via email. If you wish to completely redo your application, please inform us so we can delete the existing one and you can reapply.
  9. Does the Ready2Scale Accelerator require any equity??
    The accelerator is equity-free. Participation does not require giving up company equity.
  10. Are winners of the Cascade Funding call eligible to participate in Ready2Scale?
    There are no restrictions against winners of Cascade Funding calls participating in Ready2Scale. All are welcome to apply as long as they meet other eligibility criteria.
  11. What qualifies as “private investment”?
    Only external private investments are considered valid. Private funding does not include investments made by owners, founders, or co-founders into their own companies.
  12. Does receiving any EU funding qualify my company to apply?
    Yes, any form of EU funding, including national funding provided through EU mechanisms, qualifies a company to apply.